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Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies, Inc

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Will my homeowners insurance cover a cracked foundation caused by an earth quake in Dallas/Fort Worth, TX?

The abrupt shaking of the earth that happens during an earthquake can cause damage to a home’s foundation. Even the smallest magnitude earthquakes can cause slight cracking of the foundation, which can be extremely expensive to fix.

Many homeowners believe that their homeowners insurance will cover all, or most, of the cost to repair a cracked foundation, but that might not be the case. Even though an earth quake is considered an ‘act of God’, it is one of the perils that are listed as excluded from basic homeowner’s insurance policies.

When a homeowner’s policy lists a peril as excluded, it typically means that any expenses related to that incident will not be covered. Homeowners that are concerned about incurring the cost of damages due to an excluded peril may want to consider purchasing extra insurance coverage.

Many insurance companies offer earthquake insurance. This is often considered an addition to an existing homeowner’s insurance policy and will cost extra. How much extra this type of insurance will cost will depend upon a number of factors including how likely an earthquake is to occur in a specific area, the cost of the home, and how old a house is.

Even though homes in the Dallas – Fort Worth, Texas area are not in immediate danger of experiencing a cracked foundation due to an earthquake, it still may put a homeowner’s mind at ease to have that extra insurance coverage.

Our independent agents at Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies can help find the extra home insurance coverage you want and need. Working closely with an independent agent, you will be able to receive multiple quotes on homeowner’s insurance policies that may include coverage against damage caused by an earthquake.

Will my premium rise, if i file a claim on my comprehensive auto insurance policy in Dalla/Fort Worth, Texas?

Buying a comprehensive auto insurance policy in Dallas – Fort Worth, Texas may provide peace of mind. Even though the basic rates may be a little high when compared to buying only the minimum coverage, the protection is better and you are less likely to face financial challenges when unexpected situations arise. Making a claim on your policy may or may not impact your premium, depending on the details of your plan and any promotions that you have applied.


Applying discounts and promotions to your policy can help you keep the premium within a reasonable rate. Promotions are often provided for very specific situations, such as a student who has good grades getting a discount for their responsible behavior.

Some insurers may offer a forgiveness promotion so that your premium does not increase the first time you make a claim. Forgiveness programs may vary, so consider the situations that fall under the program before you assume that it will apply.

The Claim

Small claims, such as repairing a windshield after a tree branch fell on it, may not have a major impact on your premium. The reason is that the claim is related to a particular situation that did not cause major damage to your vehicle or the vehicle of another person.

Claims after an accident may result in a higher premium because of the possible cost of the situation. The exact impact of an accident may vary.

Making a claim does not automatically mean that your rates will increase, but it can have an impact on your auto policy. Contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies to talk to an independent agent for more information about your options and promotions that may be available.

I will be Renting a Car While away from my home in Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas. Does my Existing Auto Insurance Policy Cover me in this Situation?

Visiting a different city or state for a vacation or business trip may require a rental vehicle. The problem you may worry about is the insurance coverage for that car. Fortunately, you may be covered for auto rental under your Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas insurance policy.

Look at the Current Policy

Although some insurers will cover a rental vehicle, the amount of coverage and the options available to protect the vehicle and other drivers may vary. Renting a car does not necessarily mean that you have coverage under your current plan.

Look through your current policy to determine if you are covered. Each insurance provider will have a different policy regarding your ability to apply your current coverage to a rental vehicle. Never assume that you are covered.

Be Aware of Exceptions

When you are looking at your auto insurance plan, pay attention to the exceptions. You may be able to rent a vehicle and cover it under your current plan, but there may be exceptions about the location or the type of rental company that you may use. For example, you may be able to cover a rental vehicle in The Woodlands / Austin area, but might have an exception that prevents you from the same amount of coverage in the Amarillo / Waco area.

The clauses and exceptions help define your policy and tell you what is not allowed. Read through your exceptions and clauses to ensure that your coverage plan will protect a rental vehicle.

Renting a car while you are on vacation or a business trip does not necessarily mean that you need to purchase additional insurance. To learn more about rental coverage options, call us to speak to an independent agent today.

If my Dinner Guests get Food Poisoning, Does my Home Insurance Cover Their Medical Expenses in Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas?

When you invite dinner guests into your home, you may worry about the possibility of food poisoning. Even if food poison is not a concern, you may face high cost medical expenses if a guests in your home becomes sick from food poisoning shortly after a visit to your house. Fortunately, liability protection is available to help manage the cost in Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas.

Liability in a Policy

A homeowners insurance policy will usually have some protection against liability whenever a guest visits your home. The policy will protect against basic injuries, such as a fall down a flight of stairs or tripping on ice in front of your house. It may also protect against food poisoning when the other party proves that the sickness stems from the dinner that they ate.

Differences in Policies

Although liability protection may provide some relief from high cost medical expenses, you may discover that an exception or clause will prevent you from making a claim. Some insurers may not protect against food poisoning or may have a limitation on the amount of coverage. In some cases, it may be necessary to provide that the sickness stems from the house.

The problem with food poisoning is that it can come from a variety of sources and it may not show symptoms immediately. If the insurer discovers that the food poisoning did not take place in your home, then they may refuse to pay for the medical bills.

Liability protection is designed to help protect against high cost hospital bills by paying for the expenses. Depending on the situation and your policy, you may or may not be covered by your insurer. To learn more about liability protection, contact us to talk to an independent agent.



  • Allstate
  • ASI
  • charity first
  • Chubb
  • Dairyland
  • Encompass
  • Foremost
  • Hagerty
  • Kemper
  • liberty mutual
  • national general
  • Philadelphia
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Texas Mutual
  • TWIA-Texas Windstorn
  • the hartford
  • Travelers
  • US Assure

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