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Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies, Inc

6305 Preston Road #1000
Plano, TX 75024

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Dallas is Full of Great Ways to Give Back to Others

Living and working in Dallas can make you really happy. It’s a great place to be and has so much to offer. Not everyone in the Dallas, TX area has as much as others, though, and some people struggle to make ends meet. Fortunately, there are ways you can help them have more, so you’ll be able to give back to your local community and also have the chance to make some friends who are also working to help other people.

There are many things you can do to help others, and you don’t even have to give money. You can give blood, or adopt a shelter pet. You may want to donate your time to the food bank, or work with the homeless. Meals on Wheels or a similar type of program could probably use drivers, too. No matter what kinds of things you like to do or how you may want to help, there are likely options you can choose from that will give you the opportunity to offer your time and talents to people in your local area who need it most.

Getting to know the people in your community can make you feel right at home, and that’s always a good thing when you move to a new place and aren’t sure who to talk to. There another way you can help, too. Make sure you’re insured by someone in your community, like Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. By choosing a local insurer, you’ll be helping the local area and contributing to businesses there, so more of your money stays in the area in which you live and contributes to improve it for everyone. Dallas, TX

Disaster Struck While House Sitting: What to do Now?

So you are house sitting and all of a sudden disaster struck. From a pipe bursting to someone broke into the house while you were at work, you need to act fast. If you don’t, the home owners might not receive proper compensation from their insurance agency. Paragon Independent Insurance Agency points out what you need to do in your Plano, TX home when house sitting and disaster strikes. 

Burst Pipe

You walk into the house and you hear the dreaded sound of moving water, so you head downstairs and find a pipe has burst. First, if you can, turn off the water. There’s a on/off pipe, valve or other connection in the basement. Try to turn this off if you can. After doing this (or if you can’t), contact an emergency plumbing service right away. The faster you act the less damage will occur inside of the house. Also, make sure to contact the home owners after (contact them after with all of these disasters). 

Break In

Perhaps people have been casing the house for weeks and knew the home owners are gone. Maybe they just struck at the right time. Whatever the case, if someone breaks into the house contact the police immediately. Make sure to tell them you are house sitting. The police may want to contact the home owner’s directly. They will have a better idea of what went missing. 

Smell Gas

Do you smell gas inside of the house? Leave right away and contact the fire department. A gas leak is especially dangerous and even a spark can cause an explosion. Have the fire department inspect the house. Also, make sure to tell the home owners. If it doesn’t require their immediate attention you can hold off until they return. No need to worry them while away. 



  • Allstate
  • ASI
  • charity first
  • Chubb
  • Dairyland
  • Encompass
  • Foremost
  • Hagerty
  • Kemper
  • liberty mutual
  • national general
  • Philadelphia
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Texas Mutual
  • TWIA-Texas Windstorn
  • the hartford
  • Travelers
  • US Assure

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