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Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies, Inc

6305 Preston Road #1000
Plano, TX 75024

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Create Fire and Disaster Recovery Plans for your Business in Dallas

Nobody likes to think about possible fires or disaster situations for their business, but it is an important step in protecting what you have worked so hard to start up. With a well thought out fire and disaster recovery plan, you can get back on your feet quickly and restore what you have lost during this time. The Paragon Independent Insurance Agency is here to help you with some of these plans. Property insurance on your building is a must, as agents can sit down and work with you to make sure you have the very best coverage for your Dallas, TX business. 

Planning for Everything

Murphy’s law suggests if it can happen, it will. That doesn’t mean your building is going to catch on fire or it is going to flood. However, if you don’t plan for the situation, should it happen you might be left with nothing. Starting a second company from scratch, no matter how large or how small, is difficult, financially draining and both you and your employees might be out of work for long periods of time. All of these areas are elements you need to play for. 

Planning for the Business and Your Employees

What would happen if the business had to close for days (or longer) to clean up in the event of a disaster? Will you and your employees be able to survive without any kind of financial income? With the help of Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Dallas, TX, you can plan for this, have a financial payment plan set up so everyone is able to at least receive some of their usual pay in addition to coverage for the potential disaster itself. 

Planning ahead ensures both your company and your employees are always protected, no matter what might happen in Dallas. 

I Saw A Car Accident, What Can I Do?

The moment you see a car accident, you are a witness. These can happen all the time in Dallas and you want to be sure to take the best possible action. A lot can be done and below are a few of the steps you should take.

Secure Your Car

Once you decide to help at a car accident, secure your car away from it. Pull off to the side of the road and out of the way, in the event there is a fire, broken glass, or anything else.

Call for Help

Call 9-1-1 as soon as you can. Don’t assume others have called, otherwise it could take longer for help to arrive. Tell the operator where the accident is and what has happened.

Check on Passengers

Check on the drivers and passengers of the accident. Let them know help has been called as it can help to keep them calm. Help those who can move so they can get out of the car. Never move someone who cannot move themselves.

Secure Their Vehicles

Try to secure the vehicles by placing them in park and turning off the ignitions. This can help to prevent further problems. If you can, move them onto the side of the road as well.

Wait for the Police

You should always wait for the police when you can to be able to give them a witness statement. Be as factual as possible. They may ask for your contact information as well, which can be used by the insurance company as well as a lawyer hired by one of the victims.

Call now and speak to an agent at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency to help you find auto insurance you can rely on. We’re here to answer any questions you may have about coverage in TX.




  • Allstate
  • ASI
  • charity first
  • Chubb
  • Dairyland
  • Encompass
  • Foremost
  • Hagerty
  • Kemper
  • liberty mutual
  • national general
  • Philadelphia
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Texas Mutual
  • TWIA-Texas Windstorn
  • the hartford
  • Travelers
  • US Assure

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