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Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies, Inc

6305 Preston Road #1000
Plano, TX 75024

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Secure Your Plano TX Home in Five Easy Steps

The initial step in securing your property in Plano, TX involves evaluating your home insurance requirements. Paragon Independent Insurance Agency provides services to address your home’s unique features and susceptible areas.

Selecting Optimal Home Insurance Coverage

Factors such as your home’s age, location, the local weather, costly valuables, and high-price items should be considered when choosing your home insurance coverage.

The Importance of Itemization

Creating a comprehensive list of your possessions expedites home insurance claims if unforeseen circumstances arise, dramatically simplifying recovery or replacement of lost, stolen, or damaged items.

Understanding Your Insurance Policy’s Limits

Communicate with a reliable home insurance professional to understand your policy’s financial limits. Ensuring you have sufficient coverage to reconstruct your property or replace all your belongings if a significant loss event such as a flood or fire occurs is recommended.

Updating Your Insurance Policy according to Changes

Home insurance requirements can change with property updates such as renovations, additions, or new landscaping decisions. Regularly reviewing your policy to ensure your current coverage aligns with your home value and needs is crucial.

Getting Home Insurance Quotes

The complexities of home insurance can be navigated smoothly with assistance from trusted insurance agents. Contact the insurance experts at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX for information about your home insurance coverage options and receive a free quote today!

Customizable Coverage for Small Businesses

In the dynamic landscape of small business operations for Plano, TX, and around, the need for insurance coverage that adapts to unique circumstances is more critical than ever. Customizable coverage is emerging as a cornerstone in empowering small businesses to navigate the complexities of risk management effectively.

Adapting to Varied Business Models

Small businesses’ customizable coverage recognizes diversity, allowing them to tailor their insurance plans to meet their specific needs. Whether it’s a retail storefront, a tech startup, or a service-oriented business, the ability to adapt coverage ensures that small enterprises are unburdened with unnecessary premiums for features that don’t align with their operations.

Flexible Policy Limits and Deductibles

Customizable coverage extends beyond the types of risks covered to include flexibility in policy limits and deductibles. Small businesses can adjust these parameters based on their risk tolerance, financial capacity, and the nature of their operations. This flexibility enables businesses to strike between protection and affordability, ensuring that insurance remains a valuable asset rather than a financial burden.

Industry-Specific Add-Ons

Recognizing that different industries face unique challenges, customizable coverage allows small businesses to add industry-specific endorsements to their policies. Whether it’s coverage for cyber risks, professional liability, or equipment breakdowns, companies can tailor their insurance to address the specific threats prevalent in their sector.

Scalability for Growth

Small businesses are dynamic entities that often experience growth and evolution. Customizable coverage is designed with scalability in mind, allowing businesses to adjust their insurance as their operations expand. This adaptability ensures that insurance remains a supportive tool rather than a hindrance as businesses navigate the changing landscape of their industries.

How Paragon Independent Insurance Agency Can Help You

At Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, we can help answer questions concerning commercial insurance. We serve the Plano, TX, area. Contact us today. 

What Steps Should You Take If a Storm Damages Your Home?

Weathering the Storm: A Guide for Homeowners

Storms are a natural occurrence in the vibrant community of the greater Plano, TX area. As your trusted insurance partner, Paragon Independent Insurance Agency is here to guide you on the essential steps to take if a storm wreaks havoc on your home.

Assessing the Damage

The first crucial step is to assess the extent of the damage. Inspect your property carefully, both inside and outside, to identify any visible signs of destruction caused by the storm.

Prioritize Safety

Your safety and the safety of your family come first. If there are immediate dangers, such as structural instability or exposed electrical wires, evacuate the premises and seek shelter in a secure location.

Documenting the Damage

Take photographs and make detailed notes of the damage. This documentation will be invaluable when filing an insurance claim. Capture the affected areas from multiple angles and ensure clarity in your images.

Contacting Your Insurance Agency

Reach out to your insurance agency promptly to report the damage. Our dedicated team will guide you through the claims process, providing the support and expertise you need during this challenging time.

Mitigating Further Damage

Take necessary steps to prevent further damage, such as covering broken windows with tarps or placing buckets to collect water leaks. These proactive measures can contribute to minimizing additional losses.

Connect Today for Personalized Guidance

For personalized guidance on navigating storm damage and ensuring your home is adequately protected, connect with Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. Serving the greater Plano, TX area, they are here to support you every step of the way. Call today or visit our website for more information.

Choosing the Right Commercial Policy for Your Business

When you have a business, you need to make sure it’s adequately protected. A commercial insurance policy is one of the best ways to do that. If you’re in the Plano, TX area and looking for the right coverage, working with a trusted agent at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency can help you get a policy that meets your needs. Then, you can have great commercial coverage and plenty of peace of mind. 

What to Consider When Choosing Commercial Insurance

The first thing to consider when exploring business coverage is what kind of company you have. If you’re providing a product on a large scale, you need a different policy from someone offering a service and operating a small business. Just having coverage isn’t enough because you need to be sure you have adequate protection for your specific type of company and the products, equipment, employees, and customers you work with daily.

Then, you also want to ensure you’re finding the best value and options for the policy you need. That’s easier when you work with a qualified agent and insurance company. A dedicated agent can provide several quotes from insurers and talk with you about the differences in coverage levels. From that point, you can choose the right insurance provider for your current commercial needs and then update your policy in the future as your needs change.

Getting in touch with Paragon Independent Insurance Agency is the right choice if you’re in Plano, TX, and need commercial insurance. We can help you protect your products, customers, and company as a whole so you feel confident that you’re prepared for the future and can continue to focus on your business.

Auto Insurance: Comprehensive vs. Collision Coverage Explained

Comprehensive coverage and collision coverage are two primary protections found in many auto insurance policies. Here’s a breakdown of what each does.

Collision Coverage: Protecting Against Accidents

Collision coverage generally covers the cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle if you’re involved in a collision. A collision is usually defined as an accident involving at least one other vehicle. 

For example, the collision would likely cover damage to your vehicle if you struck another car while driving on one of Plano, TX’s streets. 

Comprehensive Coverage: Protecting Against Other Damage

Comprehensive coverage generally covers damage to your car from non-collision events. These could be theft, vandalism, natural disasters, and hitting animals. 

For instance, comprehensive would likely pay if your vehicle was damaged while parked on one of Plano, TX’s streets or if you hit an animal out in the country. You’d also probably file a comprehensive claim if your vehicle was damaged by hail.

Consider Both Coverages

Neither collision nor comprehensive is automatically included in every auto insurance policy, but each policy usually makes them available. 

At Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, we often recommend that you get both to ensure your car has the broadest protection against damage. Sometimes, it can make sense to skip one or both, though. Our agents will walk you through this decision process.

Set Up Your Auto Insurance

Setting up an auto insurance policy requires deciding which coverages, including these and others, are right for you. At Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, we can help with that. One of our independent agents will walk you through all coverage options and find a policy that provides the coverage you want.

Pay-Per-Mile Insurance: A Revolution in Auto Coverage

For decades, traditional auto insurance models based on fixed premiums have been the norm. However, with the advancement of technology and a growing emphasis on personalization and sustainability for lower rates, a new auto insurance model has emerged: pay-per-mile insurance. This innovative approach is revolutionizing auto coverage, offering benefits to both insurers and policyholders in and around the Plano, TX area. 

The Benefits for Policyholders

  1. Cost Savings: Pay-per-mile insurance can be significantly cheaper for infrequent drivers. If you’re not on the road often, you won’t be paying for coverage you don’t use.
  2. Environmental Impact: This model aligns with sustainability efforts by encouraging reduced driving and, consequently, decreased carbon emissions.
  3. Personalization: Pay-per-mile insurance is highly personalized. It considers how, when, and where you drive, allowing for a more accurate risk assessment.
  4. Incentive for Safe Driving: Knowing that your premium is tied to your driving habits can encourage safer driving behavior, potentially reducing accidents and claims.

The Benefits for Insurers

  1. Reduced Risk: With a pay-per-mile model, insurers typically cover vehicles that spend less time on the road, translating to fewer accidents and claims.
  2. Improved Customer Retention: Offering a unique and flexible insurance model can attract and retain customers looking for personalized and cost-effective coverage.
  3. Competitive Advantage: Insurers adopting this model can gain a competitive edge, especially among environmentally conscious consumers.

Challenges and Considerations

While pay-per-mile insurance has numerous benefits, it may not suit all drivers. Frequent or long-distance drivers might find this model less cost-effective than a traditional fixed premium policy. Additionally, the availability of pay-per-mile insurance may vary by location and insurer.

Paragon Independent Insurance Agency Can Help You

At Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, we can help answer questions concerning auto insurance. We serve the Plano, TX area. Contact us today. 

Plano’s Best-Kept Secret: How to Maximize Your Home Insurance Benefits

Do you ever feel you’re not getting the most out of your current home insurance policy?

If not, you’re in the same boat as many other local area homeowners. The good news is that insurance experts at the Paragon Insurance Agency in Plano can show you how to maximize your home insurance benefits! 

The Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX is skilled at helping local homeowners maximize their insurance benefits by providing the best policy options for their needs.

Maximize Your Home Insurance Benefits in Plano, TX

Homeowners insurance can provide security, comfort, and irreplaceable peace of mind, knowing that your home and its contents are fully protected from theft, vandalism, or natural disasters. 

Trusted agents can provide tips on choosing a policy that meets your needs and maximizes benefits in the following areas. 

  • Dwelling Coverage: Protect your home’s exterior with dwelling coverage that safeguards outdoor features like porches and decks. 
  • Personal Property Coverages: Sleep easier when you know your precious valuables and electronics in your home are covered from theft or damage with adequate insurance.  
  • Bundling Insurance Policies: Paragon Insurance agents can help you with bundling auto, home, and other insurance policies to maximize your benefits. 

Ask your agent about additional discounts and savings plans that can help reduce your insurance costs. 

Get Plano, TX Home Insurance And Maximize Your Benefits Today! 

If you’re ready to take advantage of maximizing the benefits of your home insurance policy, talk to the experts at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano. 

Licensed and knowledgeable insurance agents can answer your important questions, offer you a free home insurance quote, and even help you choose the best policy for your needs.

Do I need commercial auto insurance in Plano, TX if I use my own vehicle for work?

Commercial insurance protects your business in the event there is an accident. To protect your Plano, TX small business, you must ensure that every vehicle used by your business is insured. Some people wonder if they can save by using their regular insurance when using their personal vehicles. At Paragon Independent Insurance Agency, we can help answer your commercial insurance questions. 

When Is Your Personal Vehicle a Work Car?

Your personal vehicle becomes a work vehicle if you use it for anything during the course of business. Here are some examples of work activity:

  • picking up supplies or dropping off goods,
  • using your vehicle as part of a service your company provides, 
  • traveling between work locations on work time and
  • visiting clients.

You Can Open Yourself And Your Business Up To Liability 

If an accident occurs during the course of business, your regular insurance will not be responsible. Your business will still be responsible for any damages, including property damage, medical expenses, lost wages, rental vehicles, and pain and suffering. You will also be responsible for handling the lawsuit if someone sues you.

You May Also Face Legal Consequences

In Plano, TX, you can face fines and other consequences if you or an employee are found to be driving without insurance. The fines usually increase if there are multiple violations. Additionally, the vehicle could be towed, and you may have to prove that the vehicle is insured correctly to get it back.

Protect your Plano, TX small business by ensuring you have the necessary coverage. If you want to discuss your coverage or have any questions about commercial insurance, please call Paragon Independent Insurance Agency today.

Three Ways Home Insurance Protects You

If you’re a homeowner, it’s essential that you have a home insurance policy. If you have a mortgage on your home, the lender generally requires that you have this insurance. If your neighborhood has an HOA, they, too, will require this insurance. If you don’t have it, you need to get it right away. To start a home policy, call us at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX.

Protection for Your Home

Your home policy will protect your home by covering you against severe events that could damage it. The policy can pay for the necessary repairs if a natural disaster, calamity, etc., should happen. If a covered event destroys your home, this policy can pay for the rebuilding required. It’s never a good idea to go without this coverage in case the worst happens. Protect the investment you’ve made in your home with this policy. 

Protection for Your Possessions

Just like the protection for your home, you also get protection for your belongings in a home policy. The policy can replace your items if they are lost or destroyed in a covered event. There are many ways that an accident or other event can ruin your possessions, and you need to be covered against them. It can keep you from paying for all of the replacements yourself. 

Liability Protection

When you’re the homeowner, you’re responsible for medical bills and other bills if someone has an accident while on your property. Home insurance offers protection against your liability and pays those bills for you. This can help you avoid a financial disaster. 

Get Home Insurance 

If you need this type of insurance, get it right away. Just call us at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX to get started. 

Risk Management Solutions in the Wild West: Why Texas Businesses Need Commercial Insurance

Do you want to learn more about how to get commercial business insurance in Texas? 

Smart business owners in Texas know that having commercial insurance in the Wild West isn’t a luxury for business owners; it is a necessity. 

Commercial business insurance helps business owners protect their long-term investments from financial losses that can arise from unexpected events. 

Knowledgeable insurance agents can explain the benefits of commercial insurance as part of a comprehensive business strategy to mitigate risk. 

Natural Disasters, Heat Waves, and Storms

The recent influx of severe storms and extreme weather reminds Texas business owners that natural disasters, hurricanes, and heat waves can cause property damage, supply chain disruptions, and business shutdowns. 

Business owners get commercial insurance to shield businesses from potentially devastating effects caused by severe weather and storms, but the protection doesn’t end there. 

Get Business Liability Coverage

Commercial insurance can provide liability coverage for accident-related claims filed against a business. It can also help business owners recover from property damage, theft, or vandalism on their premises. 

In today’s digital age, business owners need to protect their digital assets from prying eyes and bad actors who implement cyberattacks and technology breaches that interrupt the normal flow of business. 

Don’t Leave your Texas Business Exposed to Risks in the Wild West! 

Talk to a licensed insurance agent at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX, to learn about your coverage options. 

We specialize in offering tailored insurance solutions for Texas-area businesses. Our agents can help small business owners, startups, and corporations choose the best commercial insurance for their needs. 

Contact an agent to get a free commercial business insurance quote today! 



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