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Paragon Independent Insurance Agencies, Inc

6305 Preston Road #1000
Plano, TX 75024

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Steps to Take Immediately After a Car Accident

If you are involved in a car accident, there are several steps you should take afterward. The correct response could save lives and prevent further issues. We’ve outlined a response process below. If you’re looking for auto insurance and an agency that provides services in Plano, TX, contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agency.

What Comes After an Accident

Firstly, if you have been in a car accident, thoroughly check yourself for any serious injuries. In addition, check on all the passengers in the vehicle. Next, if possible, move to a safe place. Consider driving if the car is drivable and there’s a parking lot nearby.

If you can’t move the car, make an effort to get to safety and help others do the same. Cars should come equipped with accident kits; if you have one, deploy road flares and other safety devices. When possible, try to stay out of roadways. If the car is on fire, move away as quickly as possible.

Consider checking on other vehicles that were involved in the car accident. If someone has been seriously injured, contact emergency services without delay. Even if no one was injured, it’s still crucial to report the accident to the police.

After taking the above measures, you may want to contact your insurance agency to give them an early notification and ask for advice. Taking the proper steps now could mitigate risks. If you’re in need of an insurance agency, Paragon Independent Insurance Agency is here for you. We serve Plano, TX, and various other communities. Therefore, get in touch with us at your earliest convenience.

Upgrades That May Require More Residential Insurance Coverage

Residential upgrades that are conducted on your land or in your home may require additional residential insurance coverage. Review the upgrades that follow. Then, adjust your insurance policy accordingly.

Land Improvements

Land improvements may require the installation of plumbing, structural materials, vegetation, and lighting. Your residential insurance policy can list the items you invest in.

The insurance coverage will protect against unforeseen damage and theft. If you need to file an insurance claim, the coverage you have purchased will handle the costs you are faced with while you are rehabilitating your property.

Be aware that some events may not be included in a standard insurance policy. For instance, if you live in a low-lying area, you may need to add flood protection to your policy. This type of add-on will protect the land improvements against damage directly connected to rising waters.

High Ticket Items

Luxury furnishings, jewelry, floor coverings, and artwork are some high-ticket items that could require additional home insurance coverage. If you plan on purchasing items to use during some upgrades, keep a list of the materials and products you have decided to purchase.

Recording these items now will prevent you from overlooking them when you are ready to modify your existing home insurance policy.

Design Elements

The design of your home could have a bearing on your insurance policy. Seeking a professional assessment of your home will help you determine if you need more residential insurance coverage. Staircases, archways, and other items used in the design of your home may require additional insurance coverage.

Contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agency

Contact one of our Plano, TX agents. A Paragon Independent Insurance Agency representative will consult with you about your chosen residential upgrades.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Filing Commercial Insurance Claims

Filing a commercial claim is a complex and daunting process, especially for business owners unfamiliar with the ins and outs of insurance policies. If the policyholder makes mistakes during the claims process, it can lead to delays, denials, or underpayment of claims, which can significantly impact a business’s financial stability. These are regular issues around Plano, TX.

Inadequate Documentation

Insufficient evidence to support the claim can result in it being denied or undervalued. Documenting all relevant information, including photographs, videos, receipts, and any other pertinent records that can substantiate the claim, is crucial.

Delay in Notifying the Insurer

Timely notification is essential, as most insurance policies must be reported immediately. Failing to promptly inform the insurer can lead to the denial of the claim.

Incomplete or Inaccurate Information

Ensuring that all details in the claim form are accurate and comprehensive is vital. Any missing information may prolong the claims process or result in a denial.

Lack of Understanding of Policy Coverage

If the policy does not cover an event, it can result in rejection. Before filing a claim, it’s crucial to clearly understand the policy’s terms, conditions, and exclusions. The insurance agents are there to break down all the details, from underwriting to filing claims.

Failure to Seek Professional Assistance

Navigating through commercial claims can be challenging, especially for small business owners. Seeking professional assistance from insurance experts or legal advisors can help ensure the claims procedure is correct. It gives the policyholder and company a favorable outcome.

Paragon Independent Insurance Agency Helps Guide You

Paragon Independent Insurance Agency will help guide you and show you how commercial insurance can save you in the long haul. Our team covers the Plano, TX area. Get in touch with us today.

Commercial Insurance and Protection of Business Property

Commercial insurance is vital for protecting business property, assets, and operations from various risks and liabilities around Plano, TX. It is critical to understand how to determine what is covered. 

Commercial Insurance Information

Commercial insurance consists of policies to safeguard businesses when financial losses are inevitable. These events may include property damage, liability claims from work-related injuries, break-ins, or business interruption.

Protection of Business Property

Commercial insurance protects all business property, including buildings on the land, equipment in the yard, inventory, and other assets owned by the company. Property insurance policies cover damage or loss caused by perils such as fire, vandalism, theft, or natural disasters. This coverage ensures that businesses can recover and continue operations.

Liability Coverage

Commercial insurance also includes liability coverage, which protects businesses from legal claims and lawsuits alleging property or physical injury. Liability insurance handles legal expenses for court costs, settlements, and judgments, lessening the financial impact of high-cost claims on the business.

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance is another essential component of commercial insurance. It covers businesses that lose profits due to unforeseen and unwanted events such as fire damage, natural disasters, or other disruptions. This coverage helps companies maintain financial stability during periods of interruption and facilitates a smoother recovery process.

Customized Policies

Commercial insurance underwrites can be customized to accommodate the many risks found in different types of businesses. Insurance providers offer customizable coverage options. It opens a window of options that best suit their operations and risk profiles. Questions should be asked to understand the coverage before the underwriting takes place.  

Let Paragon Independent Insurance Agency Give You the Information

Paragon Independent Insurance Agency answers your commercial insurance questions and serves the Plano, TX, region. Call us today for the most updated information.

Three Reasons Why You Should Do The 100,000-Mile Maintenance Service

Protecting your investment means that you should consider having your vehicle serviced at 100,000 miles. No matter the vehicle type or how well it’s made, it tends to wear out and needs minor repairs. Keep reading to learn why you need to take this service seriously. 

1. Find Issues Before They Start

Some of the most significant issues that can happen in your vehicle could be caught during the 100,000-mile service. All the parts are inspected during this inspection, and you’ll know if something is starting to wear out. Larger parts like alternators, wheel bearings, and even the brake system can be more costly if they break first and need to be repaired later. They can also save you money by preventing you from having to pay for a tow to the shop. 

2. Maintain Steady Engine Performance

The 100,000-mile service is meant to protect your engine and all the other systems that support it. When this service is done, all the fluids are topped off, and you get new spark plugs to keep your electrical circuits running. This is also an excellent time to replace the engine coils, which protect the engine and allow it to power properly. 

3. Car Longevity

With the steady cost of cars going up, it’s important more than ever to get a full lifespan out of your vehicle. Keeping up with the 100,000-mile service will allow your car to continue performing at its best. It’s important that you don’t stop with this maintenance but make sure you carry it on to the 150,000-mile, 200,000-mile, and as many more as you need while you own the car. 

If you own a vehicle in the area surrounding Plano, TX, get a personal quote today from Paragon Independent Insurance Agency. 

Stay One Step Ahead with the Right Auto Insurance Solutions

Safe driving often comes down to simply staying one step ahead of the other drivers on the road. That can look like simple awareness, defensive driving practices, or anticipating an erratic driver’s next move. However, staying one step ahead on the roadways can also include having the right auto insurance coverage for your needs. If you live in the greater Plano, TX area and have questions about auto insurance, the friendly team at the Paragon Independent Insurance Agency can help.

Auto Insurance Solutions to Help You Stay One Step Ahead

The good news is that drivers who exhibit safe driving practices are less likely to be involved in an auto accident. The bad news, however, is that even the safest drivers can become involved in unpredictable or unavoidable accidents. For safe drivers who are one step ahead, though, they have the auto insurance and the right auto insurance agency to help them navigate the aftermath of an accident.

Staying one step ahead behind the wheel is also about more than what you do when you are driving; it is also about how you plan and prepare. Having the right insurance and plan in place can help safe drivers stay one step ahead, even if they are involved in an accident.

Auto Insurance in Plano

If you live in or around Plano, TX, and have questions about auto insurance, our experienced and professional agents at the Paragon Independent Insurance Agency are here to help with all your questions and insurance needs. Contact us to find out more, get the protection and insurance you need on the road today, and stay one step ahead with Paragon Independent Insurance Agency.

Tiny Homes and Unconventional Living Spaces: Insuring Your Unique Home

Hey there! Are you curious about how to protect your tiny home or unconventional living space in Plano, TX, and the surrounding areas? We at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency have noticed the growing trend and love the creativity we’re seeing. But we also know that figuring out the right insurance can be a bit of a head-scratcher. How can we help you find peace of mind for your unique dwelling?

The Nitty-Gritty of Insuring the Not-So-Ordinary

Choosing a tiny home or a unique living space isn’t just a housing choice; it’s a lifestyle. But with great style comes great responsibility – especially regarding insurance. Regular policies might not cover the unique aspects of your home, like being on wheels or maybe floating on water. It’s crucial to consider where your home sits, its mobility, and all those personal touches that make it yours.

 We’re Here to Help You Navigate

Insurance can seem like a maze, especially for something as unique as your home. But you’re not alone. We know the ins and outs of finding the right coverage for spaces that don’t fit the typical mold. We’ll walk you through it, ensuring you understand your risks and what you’re protected against so you can rest easy.

Let’s Chat About Your Unique Home

Are you living in a tiny home or any unconventional space in or around Plano, TX, or the surrounding areas? We’d love to help you ensure your home is as protected as your lifestyle. Paragon Independent Insurance Agency is all about finding the right fit for your unique needs. Reach out to us today, and let’s ensure your home is safe and sound, no matter how unique.

Three Types of Commercial Insurance Your Business May Need

Optimizing Your Business Security – Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX

Running a successful business entails a ton of responsibilities, with one of the key areas being protection. At Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX, we understand the dynamics of commercial insurance. The scope of insurance your business requires hinges on several factors, such as its nature, size, location, and the products or services it offers. The right commercial insurance can significantly contribute to your business’s continuity, even following unforeseen circumstances. Without it, you risk closing up shop prematurely.

Product Liability Coverage for Businesses

Product Liability Coverage is a crucial component of commercial insurance, especially for businesses involving physical product sales. While your product might seem harmless, there’s always a chance that it could potentially cause injury. It’s essential insurance to have, as it covers your liability towards the injured party. Don’t underestimate its importance – even if there’s a minute chance of injuries with your product, it’s still better to be on the safe side.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is a non-negotiable when your business employs individuals. Sole proprietorship businesses might bypass this. However, businesses with employees should consider it vital. It shields your establishment in case an employee sustains injuries while working. Remember, hazards aren’t solely linked to dangerous working conditions; incidents like falls can occur at any workplace at any time. Opt for this coverage for peace of mind.

Cyber Insurance: Securing Information

Do computers power your business? Cyber insurance might be the only thing you need. This coverage is a lifesaver in the event of a data breach, which could cost a fortune to rectify. By opting for Cyber Insurance, you can easily sail through such problems.

Your Commercial Insurance – A Phone Call Away

Your business requires impeccable security, and the correct type of commercial insurance can ensure that. Connect with us at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency in Plano, TX, and secure your business assets today.

Insurance Coverage for Household Appliances

When acquiring new home appliances, consider incorporating them into your existing home insurance policy. These tips will help ensure adequate coverage for your latest investments. Don’t hesitate to contact our representatives at Paragon Independent Insurance Agency for assistance updating your personal insurance policy.

Consider the Use Value

Consider the use value of each appliance you’ve recently purchased. Insuring items that you use regularly is a wise choice. Insurance provides coverage for the repair or replacement costs if your appliances become damaged or are stolen.

Account for the Monetary Value

Review the cost of each item you’ve recently purchased. The monetary value of each appliance can allow you to determine the amount of insurance coverage you need for each item. This insurance coverage will cater to the cost of electrical materials and other components necessary for repairing your appliances if they get damaged while under your ownership.

Assess the Appliance Location

Evaluate where you have installed each appliance. The location you choose could influence the amount of insurance necessary. For instance, if you have new laundry machines installed in your basement, consider seeking flood protection. Basements, being the lowest level of your home, are more prone to flooding than other areas.

Contact Us

Any valuable purchase, such as home appliances, should be added to your existing insurance policy. Our dedicated agents serving Plano, TX, can help address any questions or concerns about the appropriate insurance coverage you need, so get in touch today.

Protect Your Plano, TX Vehicle with Reliable Auto Insurance

Local automobile owners in Plano, TX must consider proactive measures to protect their vehicles due to the unpredictable nature of driving. One key strategy involves obtaining comprehensive auto insurance coverage. Paragon Independent Insurance Agency’s knowledgeable agents are at your service!

Evaluating Your Auto Insurance Requirements

To begin protecting your vehicle, you must first understand your driving habits and auto insurance scores and assess local driving conditions. The amount you drive, the crime rate in your area, and weather conditions influence your insurance needs.

Selecting a Trusted Insurance Provider

Choosing a dependable insurance provider with robust customer service and competitive auto insurance rates is crucial. Trustworthy insurance agents have a strong reputation for excellent customer service and support.

Personalizing Your Policy

Having a trustworthy insurance agent by your side can help you navigate the complexities of auto insurance. They can assist in selecting the most suitable policy options that align with your driving habits, budget, and lifestyle.

Inquiring About Bundling Options

Numerous insurance providers extend a discount for customers securing multiple policies. For example, you may save time and money by bundling your auto insurance and home insurance policies.

Reviewing and Modifying Your Policy as Required

Your driving habits, address, and the number of covered drivers in your household can change over time. Contact Paragon Independent Insurance Agency to revisit your auto insurance policy and ensure that your current coverage aligns with your present driving needs!



  • Allstate
  • ASI
  • charity first
  • Chubb
  • Dairyland
  • Encompass
  • Foremost
  • Hagerty
  • Kemper
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  • national general
  • Philadelphia
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Texas Mutual
  • TWIA-Texas Windstorn
  • the hartford
  • Travelers
  • US Assure

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